Ask AmberNov 26, 2018

Welcome to All Sorts Of

Written by Amber Lewis

Oh hello! Welcome to All Sorts Of.  A brand new lifestyle blog by yours truly, Amber Lewis.

You must be wondering why in the H.E. Double-Hockey-Sticks have I added another thing to my plate and why on earth am I starting a new site?? Truthfully, I’m wondering the same thing…Ha, KIDDING!

So, if you know anything about me, you know I am a pretty instinct-driven person. I have made most of the most crucial decisions in my life by listening to my gut and really paying attention to how situations feel, and how to be the most successful as I plan ahead. About a year and a half ago, I was really feeling the pains of a fast growing business. It was starting to feel like the bigger it became, the less I was able to be hands on in every aspect. I was mourning the loss of daily interaction and craving a way to stay connected to my roots and my OG audience. I needed to determine a solution for how to continue scaling my interior design firm, while curating and running Shoppe, without ever losing the part of the business that started this whole journey for me. It was one day when I realized that losing the blog and losing my core readership would be cutting out a part of my life that is actually quite special to me.

So, from this need to stay connected and to keep bringing you inspiration, as well as have a designated space to share everything in my world with you, All Sorts Of was born. Launching this site was not something that happened overnight, and myself and my team of incredibly talented ladies have been working hard to get this launched. I am ugly crying happy tears today, and the weight of it all has been lifted. I am so pumped I finally get to share this with you guys.

So, if you are wondering exactly what All Sorts Of is, I put together a handy FAQ that will hopefully answer your questions. This site is built like a standard blog, so you’ll have the opportunity to comment on posts and ask questions that may pop up.

This new business journey has been a true labor of love and countless hours of work has finally brought us to Launch Day! I hope you all find something that inspires you on this new site every single day. I hope you learn something from the site, and I hope it brings you even the smallest sliver of joy. I love you all so very much and none of this would be possible without your support. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you ENJOY!

xoxo love Amber

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