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Boss Files

Boss Files: Shelby Diskin


Meet Shelby Diskin, founder of AFTRGLO Integration. Her practice is committed to alternative healing through the transformative power of plant medicine. Driven by a profound passion for empowering leadership, microdosing education, and holistic well-being, Shelby is an inspiring leader in psychedelic integration and wellness.

Join us as we take a seat with hardworking entrepreneur and advocate Shelby to discuss her journey in business and beyond. Without further ado…

If you’re curious about plant medicine, I strongly encourage you to educate yourself thoroughly before diving in. While these medicines are generally safe, understanding the essential information beforehand is key to ensuring you have the most meaningful and positive experience. Remember, it’s not illegal to be curious!

xoxo, Shelby

a conversation with Shelby…

To start, could you share a bit more about what you do for those who may not be familiar?

My specialty is rooted in developing leadership skills and building business culture and my passion is helping clients transform with the support of plant medicine. So let me break that down for you!

As a leadership coach and consultant, depending on the unique needs of the client, my work focuses on skill development, building confidence, and working through challenges and roadblocks a leader may be facing. I also help leaders work through the intricacies of creating and curating a business culture where teams feel empowered, keeping employee retention high.

As an integration coach, I provide clients with support in preparing for and integrating plant medicine journeys. The goal is to help them transform their lives, offering education on how to safely and effectively microdose. My approach supports and guides clients in their growth and transformation, whether they’re looking to explore plant medicine or not.


Your business, AFTRGLO Integration, is built upon holistic leadership, the transformative power of plant medicine, and microdosing education. How has your business remained rooted in this foundation and how do you envision its evolution?

I was given the opportunity to be in a leadership role, at the age of 23, and discovered that I love teaching skills and developing leaders. Plus, I’m good at it! As I grew more into this role, I realized that not only do I love teaching and developing people professionally, but I also have a knack for helping them personally with life challenges. However, it wasn’t until 2020 that I realized my purpose within the corporate world was to help people transform their lives personally and professionally through the support of plant medicine. My dreams came to fruition after my very first psilocybin ceremony and my life really started to change.

Ever since, it’s been my mission to help people improve their lives as well. I envision that AFTRGLO will become a retreat space where people can come to escape the everyday, connect to nature and themselves, focus on their transformational journeys, and leave feeling refreshed, motivated, and ready to live life authentically. Who knows?! They may also leave inspired to build the business of their dreams, too!


What can you share about the impact of psychedelics and microdosing on mental health and wellness?

Oh gosh, where do I begin? Let’s start with some basic information…

First and foremost, the medicines I work with, psilocybin and LSD, are safer than any over-the-counter medication or prescription because they are non-addictive. You can’t overdose on them and there are no withdrawals. They are ranked the least dangerous drug on the drugs harm scale. But alcohol is the most dangerous — Crazy, right?!

Before I get started on the benefits, there are a couple things I want to address. It is essential to keep in mind that plant medicine isn’t for everyone, due to potential contradictions between health history and medications. Always consult your healthcare provider. Never compare your experience to another persons or assume it will be similar. Everyone’s experience is different in so many ways, which is what makes these medicines so mysterious. A plant medicine ceremony can bring more profound experiences, whereas microdosing can be more subtly transformative. Lastly, if you don’t prepare and integrate properly, you may not reap the intended benefits.

However there’s a laundry list of benefits, from improved mood, to overcoming addiction, and everything in between. For this discussion, I want to focus on the benefits my clients have found to have the most significant impact on their lives.

A decrease in depression is one of the most common benefits. Both psilocybin and LSD have been shown to decrease depression and support individuals in tapering off of their antidepressants. It’s advised that you work alongside a doctor when deciding if this is the right path for you! When microdosing LSD, clients have experienced a decrease in their ADHD symptoms, reporting being more focused and having the ability to complete tasks more efficiently. Microdosing also builds social confidence when in large groups or speaking with a loved one; Clients say that it’s their new “liquid courage” and they’re setting aside their drinks and pills.

It lends specific benefits to the those involved in leadership training, like motivating more compassion and understanding in the workplace, supporting clarity and decision-making, inspiring creativity and productivity, and building a leader’s confidence overall. It’s amazing to see my friend’s and client’s business thriving after we work together.


You host an 8-week guided microdosing experience for women, called SoulAlchemy. What do you hope participants glean from this experience and what ripple effects do you believe this will create within their communities or beyond?

I’m so happy you brought this up! I love these experiences, mainly because of the relationships the participants are able to build in such a short amount of time — not only with me, but with each other. They often carry those relationships on forever.

SoulAlchemy is built from 3 main components of holistic growth: the skill of microdosing, self-discovery, and aligned action. But what’s unique about the upcoming opportunity is that we’ll dive into your 2025 vision and work together to discover how to achieve it.

Participants walk away from this experience understanding the skill of microdosing. Basically, I’m setting them up to safely and effectively microdose throughout the rest of their life. They engage in self-discovery practices such as understanding their personality, shadow work, and addressing limiting beliefs — leaving them with a deeper understanding of themselves, navigating the voices in their head, aka their ego, and ultimately having more compassion for themselves.

I believe that the growth and transformation from this experience will inspire more discussion around plant medicine, helping others to find an alternative wellness journey. Word of mouth is extremely powerful in this space because it comes from your friends and peers whom you trust.


Tell us what a typical day-in-the-life looks like for you.

I am a very structured person — to the point where it can be a fault. I’m going to share an overview of my week and I’m sharing this because I always get asked how to be productive. I always respond to this question by sharing how a structured week is an essential stepping stone to productivity.

On Monday, I plan out my week. Tuesday through Thursday are my coaching days. Friday, I wrap up my week with admin work and retreat planning, whereas ceremonies and retreats usually fill up my free weekends.

Here’s a peek into my typical day. I start my day by getting up before the kids. The hour of silence is essential to me starting my day. In that hour, I enjoy my coffee, do a 10-minute meditation, and work. I am most productive with anything from the hours of 6am to 12pm, but after that, forget it. Haha! Once the kids get up, it’s go time! You can find me making breakfast, lunches, and constantly yelling, “We’re leaving in 5 minutes!” I have 2 boys, 9 and 15, so you can imagine the morning chaos! Once I drop them off at school, I do my volunteer work, and then I go to the gym. I love the gym, especially now that I’m 44 and I feel myself aging rapidly. Throughout the rest of the day, I spend about 2 to 3 hours in various training or certification programs. Just like the gym, education is a top priority of mine! From there, I’m coaching clients and working on business needs such as social media, retreats, events, and the boring admin stuff. To end the day I pick up the boys, we do dinner, and I go to bed as early as possible!


How do you seek to incorporate balance in your life?

Working in corporate America and as an entrepreneur, I have learned that there are two significant things I need to find balance within my everyday life — Priorities and boundaries!

Priorities help me make decisions about when and where I need to spend my time. My boundaries help those around me, as well as myself, truly value my time. When priorities and boundaries are clear, they shape my routine, and thus my life!


What’s next for you and AFTRGLO? How do you hope to see the impact of your work take form?

I have big dreams for AFTRGLO, but… I’m not ready to share the details! However, I can tell you that my work will merge with the equestrian world and my impact will continue to help clients grow and transform personally and professionally. So stay tuned!


How do you prioritize the well-being of your body and mind in times of stress or anxiety?

I’ve found that regular exercise, nourishing my body with healthy food, and sticking to a consistent routine help me feel grounded and resilient. In turn, the onset of stress and anxiety is minimized. Movement, mindfulness, and journaling are my go-to practices that help me in the moment.

If I’m feeling stuck, ruminating on thoughts, or feeling indecisive, I lean towards journaling to help me work through the mental chatter and gain clarity. If I’m feeling overwhelmed or experiencing physical sensations, I go outside and move my body by going for a walk, or I sit in the garden and do a mindful practice by focusing on what I see, hear, and smell. Just being present in the moment helps me feel more relaxed and grounded.

I will add one more thing that has helped me mentally, and it’s called positive reframing. Instead of saying, “I have to, I should, or I need to,” I now say, “I want to, I get to, or I choose to!” This has been a game-changer for me. This practice creates a sense of gratitude and appreciation for those pesky little stress-inducing things we are all faced with.

rapid fire with Shelby…

One product that’s always in your bag?

100mg Envy Mushroom Capsules, of course.


Go-to coffee or tea order?

Coffee black or with a splash of creamer!


Favorite space in your home?

My patio, pretty much any time of the year or anytime of the day.


Best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

Give yourself grace, you’re doing the best you can in this human experience.

Further Reading

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