EntertainingApr 12, 2019

Recipe: Louesa’s Hippie Nachos

Written by All Sorts Of
Photographed by Julie Pointer Adams

We recently had the pleasure of spending an afternoon with Louesa Roebuck (author of Foraged Flora) and Curtis Fletcher in their Ojai oasis — and it was one of those days you never forget. Between sifting through Louesa’s art, watching her make art, and admiring her garden, it would be impossible not to mention one of the most memorable parts — the lunch Louesa made us.

Let us introduce you to Louesa’s ‘Hippie Nachos.’ When we say these nachos are insanely good, we mean it wholeheartedly. They are so simple to make (we now make them regularly, too) and anyone can do it. The best part? All of Louesa’s recipes are meant to be loosely followed and/or inspired by and never taken too literally.

Here’s a little background on how this delicious recipe came into our lives. Louesa and Curtis spent years commuting between LaLa Land to Stinson Beach (almost weekly), and on these long meditative, happy drives, they would stop and get roadside nachos. Perfect road trip food, as they recall. They spontaneously began making ‘hippie nachos’ with yummier organic, local, seasonal ingredients. It’s totally high brow / low brow… and now it’s their “thing.” In their Ojai home, they frequently make them when they get home from the Ojai Farmers Market on Sundays, or if they have friends over for cocktails.

What we can promise you is that this recipe will be your next go-to hostess dish that you’ll casually whip up without breaking a sweat. Take your own approach to it and have some fun, maybe even have it in a garden like Louesa did for us. Pair the nachos with a simple green salad and call it lunch.

Our last parting words, which we’ve learned from Louesa over years of knowing her, is to source your products locally and use what’s in season to doctor up your nachos. Not only does it make everything taste a little better, it’s does wonders for our beautiful earth. To learn more about Louesa, check out our interview with her, she’s as incredible and fascinating as it gets.

All Sorts Of - Hippie Nachos - Louesa Roebuck All Sorts Of - Hippie Nachos - Louesa Roebuck
All Sorts Of - Hippie Nachos - Louesa Roebuck All Sorts Of - Hippie Nachos - Louesa Roebuck
All Sorts Of - Hippie Nachos - Louesa Roebuck
All Sorts Of - Hippie Nachos - Louesa Roebuck
All Sorts Of - Hippie Nachos - Louesa Roebuck
All Sorts Of - Hippie Nachos - Louesa Roebuck All Sorts Of - Hippie Nachos - Louesa Roebuck

Hippie Nachos

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 30 minutes
Serve: 6

Have'a Chips

Organic Goat Cheddar, Jack, or Sharp Cheese

Organic Refried Beans

Organic Tomatoes

Organic Spring Onion, Chopped

Organic Garlic, Coarsely Chopped

Organic Cilantro, Chopped

Coriander Seed


Jalapeños (picked or fresh)

Ground chipotle and/or ancho organic peppers


Tabasco Sauce

Butter, Ghee and/or olive oil

  1. In a medium cast iron skillet, ‘doctor up’ refried beans by sautéing them in butter, ghee and/or olive oil. Add in onions, garlic, coriander seeds and/or cumin, jalapenos, ground chipotle and/or ancho organic peppers.
  2. Add salt to the beans after they are done cooking — never in the beginning with the beans! Simmer beans and stir gently. Add a little acid vinegar to thin and soften and/or more butter or ghee.
  3. Set oven to broil. Place largest cast iron skillet in oven to get hot. We love a 15” lodge skillet.
  4. Arrange Have’a Chips in the hot skillet (or organic blue corn chips on bottom of skillet) and layer as you choose. Squeeze lime juice or Tabasco on chips. Spoon on refried beans on top of the chips, then sprinkle chopped onions and sliced pickled jalapeno peppers, chopped tomatoes or tomatillos (if in season).
  5. Layer with lots and lots and lots of grated organic goat cheddar, jack, or other sharp cheese. Never skimp on cheese (vegan cheese is always an option).
  6. Place skillet in oven under broiler. Broil until cheese melts and starts to bubble and brown.
  7. Remove from oven. Add lots of finely coarsely chopped cilantro and chopped onions.
  8. Serve the nachos right out of the skillet on big heavy plate with fixings of your choice. My go-tos are guacamole, small batch hot sauces, tabasco, mango, organic sunflower sprouts. Enjoy!
Shop the Look

Silverlake Dinner Set Satin Black


Set of 6 Woven Placemats


Recycled Glassware Pitcher


Medium Recycled Glassware Tumbler


Cantina Tumbler


Wood Salad Server


Lodge Cast Iron Skillet 15"


Foraged Flora


Further Reading


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